Anil Matcha

Has the AI hype slowed down?


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As with all hype cycles, it needs to end before the truly good products will emerge. A lot of the AI hype right now is around how easy it is to create and launch new products. There is true real use for AI that is not going away, its likely to revolutionise the internet and world as we know it.
Giannis Kiokpas
or maybe it is in its consolidation phase before launching higher again!
Ben Katz
Looking at Google Trends data it looks like it's come down a tad but not significantly. Still incredibly high
It might just be the calm before the storm... But I believe, at the moment people heard "enough" of it for the time being after the great hype... Yet I can sense it coming again soon...
Judy Mitchell
It thinks it's a lot like "the calm before the storm". AI isn't going anywhere.
Only by normalizing can hype be slowed down.
Uma Venugopal
Welcome to trend cycles
the gpt hype is slowed down but AI hype isnt going anywhere
Vlad Zivkovic
If you look at the stats it's very similar with the blockchain technology and crypto.
It will slow down and consolidate - now its time for tech products to take off
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
There are waves, and we might be in a bit of a softer wave right now, but I don't think the overall hype has died down.
Sankeerth Sai
I feel its just consolidation phase right now
Hossein Yazdi
No yet, I guess! If you want to measure the AI hype, just check out PH's daily launches :))))
John Koo
No, I think it's just the beginning. Early adopters began using it, and it appears that significant portions of the population are embracing it as well.
Aleksandra Dikan
haha I hope so, actually :) as it seems like there is nothing else in the world but AI
According to Google Trends we're just getting started
Richard Gao
Not at all. I think the next one that will amaze us all is text 2 video Plus there are people just discovering ChatGPT
Benjamin Marie
The AI hype is made of waves. Lot of new models have been released, we have to take time to turn them into products. Meanwhile, AI research labs have already the recipe for the next waves. This is just a matter of months.
Muratcan Koylan
Just as we experienced a surge in popularity and adoption during the Bitcoin bull run of 2018, we are now on the cusp of a similar trend for AI. Experts predict that the years 2024-2025 will mark the true bull run for AI, as businesses and individuals alike recognize the value of this generative technology and its potential to shape the future.
I don't think so, not yet. OpenAI is still developing too so think they'll be more!