Sneha Nair

Have you ever blocked someone on Twitter? If so, why?

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Shilpi Verma
Yes, he was behaving too savagely after giving a stupid reply to me and I did not have enough energy to reply back or engage in any other convo with him.
Jenel Ramos
Yeah, of course. Sometimes you need it to protect your experience :)
When someone talks too much about negative things? haha 😅
Vasiliy Berenkov
Bots. There are too noisy.
Pleasure Meditation
Yes. I don't like to be around aggressively angry people. I avoid them...and I block them. :-)
Paul Russell
I once blocked a user who consistently spread misinformation and negativity; maintaining a positive, truthful environment is key to my social media experience! 😊🛡️
Earl S.
Not really.
Kevin Rogers
Yeah, had to block a couple of folks. Some were spammy, others just plain rude. Twitter's great for connecting and debating, but no time for negativity or bots.
Donald Allen
I've had to block a couple of users who continually posted offensive content, despite my efforts to engage in healthy discourse – sometimes you just have to prioritize your peace of mind, right?
Peyt Spencer Dewar
Don't plan to