Qudsia Ali

Have you yet added GPT-4o to your Product?


We are thrilled to announce that WorkBot has just received a major upgrade! 😍 GPT-4o is now available on WorkBot πŸŽ‰ Improved Capabilities: 1. 50% Lower pricing 2. 5x Higher Rate Limits 3. 2x Faster Latency 4. Multingual Support 5. Enhanced Vision Capabilities To try WorkBot, you can check www.workhub.ai We are eager to hear about your experiences with WorkBot. Share your feedback and let us know how we can continue to improve and support your productivity.

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Saqib Ali
It’s actually great guys. Do give it a try!
I did, yes. I added it the seconday it was launched to Selftalk.ing but it often went down and returned 504 errors. Had to revert back!
α—°α—©α™­ ᒍ.
Yep Tap is running on 4o and 4 turbo and it's really good!
Wow what a quick reaction! Nice!
I’m thinking about adding it