Anat M

Help me bit procrastination, share your best tips and tricks

How do you do it? how do you get your brain to stop finding excuses and do what you need?? Help a professional procrastinator, please

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I use a time tracker (TMetric) to capture my work hours and productivity levels (it's nice to see where your time goes and how you can optimize it), and the eat-the-frog-for-breakfast time management technique. Both work perfectly and don't allow me time for procrastination.
Jason Chan
1. Keep your to-do list short to only the most important things. If it's too long, re-prioritize 2. With your short to-do list, always write down the thing you need to do along with a "why" you're doing it.
Qudsia Ali
It is not a failure to procrastinate. It is a failure only when you stop trying. The key here is to change your habits.