Catherine Norris

Higher pay or remote work?


Would you rather earn more money but be required to work at the office every day, or take a lower-earning job but have the option of remote or hybrid work?

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John Morrison
I would have to choose remote work. But this all depends on the pay difference ;)
Grace Hur
@john_morrison1 Mine depends on the pay difference too!
Catherine Norris
@john_morrison1 @gracehur I guess I'd have to agree! Also depends on the office environment
Phillip Stemann 🚀
Hmm, I can't choose both, apparently. 🤔 Jokes aside, being able to work where I want and when I want is a high priority for me 🙌
Catherine Norris
@phillipstemann haha that's the evil of "Would you rather..." 😈 Lucky for me, my job supplies both 🙌 Was just curious what other people would choose as a priority.
Shivam Thiagarajan
Higher pay, any day. I'm not a remote work person. I definitely prefer the office environment. I wouldn't like to just stay at home all day.
Mahmudul Hasan Rifat
Remote is better
Ali Ataei
For me, definitely remote.
Kat Lapelosa
Remote and **possibly hybrid** because then I have more time to work on other projects that A) make me happy and B) can provide supplemental income! I would not take a pay reduction for remote work, but I know there are definitely hidden financial perks from choosing the latter over the former.
Scott Carson
Homer Abbott
Mert Ogutcu
Higher pay. Some need time while others need money, I'm in the latter.