Leonid Mikhalev

How did/would you validate educational course idea?

Im launching a fintech hub, and have no idea, will people buy it or not. I wanna know before I write the whole course, because it will take a lot of time. I can put a email capture form on website, but it’s nothing in my opinion, because u can’t trust people’s intentions. Maybe the guy thought about newsletter and put email there. I think the only way to validate is collecting money. If people don’t buy then there is no sense to write the whole course. Correct me if Im wrong. Would love to hear your opinion. Thanks, PH community.

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Varun Yadav
Here is something that might work: If you not sure whether people will buy your course or not, don't create the course now instead do this. Organise a 1 or 2 hour workshop on the topic which you are going to use to build the course on . Price the workshop around $5-10. Cover some of the interesting thing on the topic which makes audience curious to know more about that and give them wow. (Use email marketing or run FB/Insta ads to sell your workshop) Pitch for your course at the end and explains everything which you will cover in your course and how it is going to help the learners. Share a form with your audience and ask interested ones to fill the form and get the early access at 50% discount when course launches. By now you have validation in the terms of responses. If enough members have shown an interested go for it and build the course quickly.
Uma Venugopal
Biggest validator: how quickly can my students land a paying job after completing my course.
Boris N
Hello, I totally agree with you about the importance of validating business ideas. Here's a multi-faceted approach to make your idea rock solid: Understanding your potential market is crucial. What are their needs? How do they behave? How can your idea cater to them? Next, learn from your competition. What are they doing right? Where are they lacking? Identify opportunities where your idea can shine. Also, keeping track of industry trends can provide important cues about market direction. Lastly, never neglect feedback. It's your roadmap to improvement and success. AI tools like ProductValidator or CheckMyIdea-IA can be of great help in this journey. They offer in-depth, objective analysis of your business idea. They can provide accurate insights that guide your decisions and save you from investing time and resources in less promising avenues.