Know who your target market is and what social media platforms they are likely to be found. Not all products or services belong to all social media platforms.
1. Determine your target market
2. Analyze your competitor- type of content, marketing strategy, etc.
3. Create a content repository
4. Start posting consistently
5. Keep learning new trends & experiment with your content.
Have a deep understanding of your target market and find the places they're hanging out online. Your target market will have a few preferred social media sites. For example, we utilize startup slack communities for marketing purposes because our product is catered towards startups and small teams.
First of all, your social media is for real people. Do you know a few real customers of yours? Ask yourself what would be interesting for them. What do they want? Why do they read any accounts? What do they get from these accounts?
And don't start with a big strategy and big content plan. If you don't have a big budget and team, choose just one idea and start with it.
Look at the content as a hypothesis. Try one, measure metrics, if it's not working — try another one. Test fast and don't be afraid to say goodbye to them.
Do what you love to do. Don't listen to all this "you need" on the Internet. There isn't one common way for all businesses. Find your own unique way.
Your social media — it's a way to communicate with your customers. What do you want to say to them? Which way do you want to communicate with them?
And remember, you have great value! Don't hide it.