Sunny Kumar

How do you get back to work when you lose focus?


I usually take forty winks when I lose focus, and sometimes a cup of tea helps as well.

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Uninstall instagram, that's the main distraction :)
Saul Fleischman
Help someone. Find the lost founder who could get something done with your product. Help him achieve that success, team up on a blog post and social campaign, and then, cross-promotion. Works every time.
Veselin Kostov
I'd try to identify what makes me loose focus in the first place. Perhaps there are distractions in the room, such as your phone, that constantly put you off. Also, don't expect to go 6 hours extremely focused with no break. Every 60-90 minutes, you should switch to a task that requires less focus, to refresh your mind a bit :) @sunny_sogra coffee can also work, instead of tea, as long as you don't go over the top
Amal Abdullaev
When you lose focus, it can be really frustrating, but there are a variety of strategies that can help you get back on track. Some people find it helpful to take a short break, like going for a walk or doing some stretches, to clear their mind and improve focus. Others create to-do lists or set timers to create a sense of urgency and structure. The Pomodoro technique, where you work for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break, can be an effective way to break work into manageable chunks. Eliminating distractions, focusing on one task at a time, and setting achievable goals and rewards can also help improve focus. Ultimately, finding the best approach will depend on your personal preferences and circumstances, so it's important to experiment and find what works best for you.
Amal Abdullaev
@richard_gao2 what do you mean?
Ryan T -
Block the distraction works for me
Alyne Padilla
Focusing on my β€œwhy” helps bring me back to operating in a focused, purpose driven manner and a dance break also helps from time to time. πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Manab Boruah
Hi Sunny, I generally check my account balance, which makes me focus on work. Just kidding. On a serious note, whenever I lose focus, I simply go for a walk. When I come back to the table, I get more focused. Sometimes at the office, I play a game of table tennis. That gets the brain running again.
Richard Gao
I just sit up straight in a comfortable position in my chair and that helps me regain focus
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
Disconnecting for a bit and doing something totally unrelated to work.
I use Ivy Lee Method to organize my work days, it's working very good for me :)
Hossein Yazdi
If it's deep, I'll keep everything aside for a day, change my laptop wallpaper to give it a fresh look, and clean my workspace so to give myself the feeling of a fresh restart!
Rofy Okyere-Forson
Most of the time music does it for me! But I have different types of music and specific kinds of vibes that I go for depending on the situation. If I were to give one that works almost always and calms you, sometimes unknowingly, in addition to retaining great focus, then it'd be music options like Hans Zimmer or Binaural Beats. Great for concentration!
Frank Gonzalez
I used to deny myself wifi at home because I always wanted to be "out" while working on my laptop. I would find that taking the drive to a coffeeshop would make me want to make the most out of the trip. It's so easy at home to start thinking about chores or working out or other life goals besides the boring work that is in front of you. TL;DR: Strand yourself on an island (a cafe will do in a pinch) with no other options
Aravind Parameswaran
Most days, my focus feels like that for a goldfish on a roller coaster! πŸ˜‚ Jokes apart, I try to follow the Pomodoro technique to maintain short bursts of focus. With small breaks every 25 mins or so, it becomes much easier to maintain focus.