@sanalck007 This comment gave me two feelings at once. I wish you success with the app you developed, very good news. I'm also sad people are blocking you :D
@sanalck007 You might want to consider Telegram's "Saved Messages" - you essentially message or forward something to yourself, including media/attachments if you want
@isaac_hernandez1 I also use Notion. I love the app because of the variations of widgets. But sometimes it's too slow. I used to use the desktop app but it crashed , so now I am using the website. Do you know any alternative to notion , as good as it?
@orvil_d_silva@theshubhagrwl I feel comfortable with Notion, but I also use a notebook to write down things and even for planning every area of my life as well and it works very well for me. I have a workflow with both tools.
@isaac_hernandez1@orvil_d_silva I use notion daily to keep personal and work related notes. Lately discovered that notion does not have end to end encryption hence considering to move to something like https://obsidian.md/ which keeps all data locally. Haven't tried it yet. Another alternative that i am aware and haven't tried is https://www.zoho.com/notebook/
As for me I am an old school person - I make notes on paper with a pencil. To make it less waste solution I use already used paper, eg. test prints.
If I am out of paper or my notes / to do list must be send later to show progress of my work I make notes in most simple tool I can get in my operating system or directly in software I am about to use to report my job.
For my private life I use paper calendar to make notes and to do lists.
@jan_mazurek You've explained all the steps to note-taking, Jan, thanks. Obviously, even if you use used paper, the paper should not be used, in my opinion. But I also can't stop myself from using paper completely.
@jan_mazurek@kdrnp Got to say, there is something so great about taking notes by hand. Even with all the bajillion tools out there, nothing beats having a by-hand checklist of things to do (and the feeling of crossing each of them out)
@jan_mazurek Well, if they're temporary notes that you don't wanna save/archive physically for later, you could use a whiteboard or something like Rocketbook, and archive digitally.
I use Nimbus Note. Used to use Evernote but their lack of innovation and basic stability issues caused me to move after years of usage. Have been on Nimbus Note for a few months now and loving it.
Used to use the Notes app for mac because it was simple & quick. Moved to OneNote because I like how you can start writing anywhere but don't need most of the other features and find it slow to paste into sometimes so may end up back with Notes.
Letters From Quarantine
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