Zoltán Szőgyényi

How do you keep yourself motivated?

Although I'm pretty consistent with my daily activities including work, sometimes I feel down. I stay motivated by thinking where I was a couple of years ago, but also thinking of how my life can change if I keep progressing forward. How about you?

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Sigurd Seteklev
One thing that often worked for us has been to focus on 'getting in the zone' (meaning starting stuff and get thing rolling), and 'finishing is better than starting' (meaning, finish stuff we're working on and keep WIP as low as possible). For the first part, my cofounder wrote a short blog article about techniques he uses in order to help him get into the zone: https://www.kitemaker.co/blog/th...
Julia Doronina
I am trying to imagine what I will have and how to live when the product will be finally realized and popular
Anton Ross
When you look back, it becomes a pity to give up, admitting that the time was wasted!Make the world a better place
listening Rocky Balboa theme song
Just kidding. I just decided that it doesn't make sense for me to worry about problems that I can't solve
Alice Rodgers
It's important for me to slow down and rest from time to time. Don't overdo - cos recharge time rises faster than the forced result.
Roy Quilor
I think about this frequently, we are human to feel down sometimes and we just have to accept that. Sometimes it's the small things, like just going for a walk, learning a new CSS property that can bring you back or to give you that kick up the ass. I learned to embrace the small things, which could lead to bigger things. I stay motivated by making things fun, making mistakes, staying foolish. Atomic Habits, currently my favourite book.
Akash Ambade
Goal setting and having a reward upon accomplishment! Comparing my own progress over last month and trying to set a higher bar... Some other days, I will be listening to Ben Lionel Scott's Motivational videos on Youtube! They fire me up!
Pallavi Jaisinghani
By promoting happiness at Walkover with happiness emails https://walkover.in/happiness
Maëla Daugan
I stay motivated by having plans, I think that without plans and goals it is difficult to stay motivated. And if I feel depressed maybe it's time to move on to other horizons... ;)
Tunku Ozair
By staying positive. Whatever's in the way, I try to push through that and stay focused on the goal that I want to achieve. Not letting anything or anyone divert my path to success.
Ellie Nora
I also needed such types of motivated tips. I am also sometimes get tired and bored with consistent routine. Always working on laptop on a site https://thenextnationalday.com/. And above discussion helps me to keep motivated with my plans and keep doing hardwork. Thanks for useful tips.