I am always curious to know how people out there manage their personal finances. Do you use an excel? Do you track transactions or just networth? Do you budget?
@erskingardner Wide support for investment tracking (links to all brokers + crypto). I also requested a feature for reoccurring subscriptions a few months ago and it actually came out a few weeks ago, was very happy. I can see all my subscription payments and what days they get charged.
@erskingardner Unfortunately they're just using plaid so it doesn't really plug into defi. A possible feature improvement would be a plug in into the DeBank API (debank.com)
I use rocket money (tracks transactions), credit karma (tracks credit), every dollar (0 based budgeting app), and sometimes a good ol spreadsheet for planning large expenditures.
Prioritizing my needs before buying. Adding frugalness to my shopaholic nature helps!
And yes, saving up to invest. 12% club for short-term investments and Stock trading for long term
Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
Delphi — Digital Clone Studio