Share some insight on how you prevent burnout…
For me I just work until I’m tired and I see my concentration levels falling (I will then take up a more manual task)
Taking time off...
Personally, I usually go out, spend some time with friends, play games, and engage in different hobbies.
However, I make sure to truly disconnect during that time and not let work thoughts creep into my mind.
It's good to take breaks from work!
@ixord yes!! couldn't agree more! feeding your soul & trying new things and/or increasing mastery on a hobby is proven by the research to prevent burnout
Burnout is different for everyone, so while I don't think there's one "true" way, there are lots of things you can do:
Taking breaks throughout the day, whether to relax or exercise, can help break up the monotony of work and reduce stress. Exercise, in particular, has been shown to have benefits for productivity, creativity, and overall health.
Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, so it's essential to prioritize sleep and stick to a routine where possible.
Setting achievable goals and expectations around work can help reduce stress and prevent burnout. It may be helpful to find a designated time to "stop working" each day and prioritize a healthy work-life balance that includes hobbies and spending time with loved ones.
For me, I prioritize taking time off that is truly restorative by helping me achieve boundaries from my work - physical, emotional and mental- by engaging with activities that help me get into the sense of 'flow' with something other than my work to activate my sense of self, connection to my interests, curiosities, natural environment, community, etc. At Cultiveit ( we call this High Quality Time Off.
Research done by Christina Maslach from UC Berkeley, with the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) as the gold standard, helps us quantify a lot of these questions!