Sanjay Somashekar

How do you set your goals for the next few weeks or months?

This can be something you do in your personal life or at your workplace!

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Qudsia Ali
I'm setting my goals for the next few weeks or months using a process I call "the three-step plan." The first step is to look at the things that are going right in my life right now. What are my strengths? What are the things that make me happy? In the second step, I create a vision board. This is a list of all the important things to me and how they relate to each other. It's like a map of my future self—what do I want my life to be like in 5 years? In the third step, I put all those things together on one board and thought about what would happen to get there.
Sanjay Somashekar
@qudsia_ali this is the most detailed explanation, and is something we all can follow! Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your process.
Ghost Kitty
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Shushant Lakhyani
As per the statistics of the last week
Sanjay Somashekar
@shushant_lakhyani feels like this is the standard everyone follows. To keep track of what's being done and act on them! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Amelia Charlie
I'm setting my goals for the next few weeks or months by working hard and remaining focus. If I don't set goals and stay focused, then I will not achieve my goals.
Rakshitha Kamatam
I'm setting my goals for the next few weeks or months by working hard and remaining focus. If I don't set goals and stay focused, then I will not achieve my goals.
William Shelley
First consider what you want to achieve, and then commit to it. Set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that motivate you and write them down to make them feel tangible.