How do you stay on top of the multiple meetings through the day?
We have all experienced an increase in the number of Zoom/Teams meetings since the pandemic. It can get difficult to remain focused on the on the screen as the day progresses. Cognitive load is higher during video meetings. While we do rather be safe and work remotely, what are some ways you try to optimise the meetings, retain action points and customer insights?
At Folly I always record Zoom calls and use Listener to bookmark any important discussion points and add a quick note. These turn into short video clips and the transcript that I can revisit later. This frees me up from the worry to take long notes and remain focussed on the call.
What about you?
Btw we just launched Listener on PH today
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Liam Ann is an Academic expert and a counsellor who is associated with the assignment help brand MyAssignmenthelp. She is an active blogger and a motivational speaker and Ghost writer.
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