Jane Crowell

How many finance/investing apps do you have on your phone?


Ranging from banking apps to stock trackers to learning how to invest, how many finance apps do you use?

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Sergei Petrov
Oh, I have more than 10 of them 😅
@sergeipetrov , 10+? You gotta be an investment expert. :D
Oliver Burns
I uses 3 of them.
Marceric a
ah I'm coming from the side and I have much more than what I noted in the survey. I'm at 14... that's still a lot no 😅
Mahsima Dastan
More than 5 :)
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
Do Online Banks apps count or not?:)
Jake Harrison
I only have 1
uses 4 of them
Aarav Pittman
i use 3 of them
Aden Will
more than 5
André J
No one is investing right now. 😅
Brenda Lewis
I have 4
Julia Suontama
I have only my bank + nordnet lazy investor - someone make it easy pls :D
Drew "Sales Playbook Builder" Williams
just my bank and a coupon app
Mohammed Fadlalla
5 Online Banking + 3 Crypto Exchanges
Jeffrey Priebe
If we're counting apps from banks? A lot But I rarely use them If we're talking personal finance or investment then that is fewer but those are used far more often
John Kirtley
have a bunch, but favorite finance app for the last few months has been PocketGuard
Jane Crowell
@johnkirtley How does PocketGuard stand out, what do you love about it?
Taiki Iwasaki
I uses 4 of them💰
Florence Roy
TESS360 for expense management
Elizaveta Ovdeyenko
Fahad Saleem
I have 5 apps. One of the app downloaded from the website www.apkmelt.com is amazing.