At the moment, this is my full time job. I spend well over 80 hrs easily. Developing, marketing and everything else that comes with it. Although, I will be spending some time to find another job to do while work on the startup, and reducing hours in the process. How about you?
@sagarpatel10 Whatever time I'm not with my 3 kids, I'm working :). They're in school during the day but then there is sports, activities, chauffeuring them around, homework, and always more kid stuff. I find that I put in a minimum 50 hours per week but on odd hours when kids are in bed or at school.
Nearly 70 hours per week I would say.
Despite automations and productivity hacks, hard work and real focus is required to make this work.
However I prefer this over any 9-5 job as I value my freedom more
Probably like 30.
I read through this whole entire thread and it seems like everyone is really working so many hours. Make me wonder how many of those hours are actually productive or if people are even enjoying the process.
I feel like we should more normalize that fact you can still build a company without working yourself to death and stress.
@wyatt_feaster I definitely DO NOT enjoy all aspects - there are many I just have to get through because I cannot necessarily hire for those jobs yet. However, there are so many things that I do that I wouldn't trade for anything that make those mundane so much easier to get through! I would say that being a busy parent makes you more productive because you have to timebox pretty much all your working hours.
@jane_crowell That's totally fair. What are the areas you feel are your least favorite? I can only imagine how much harder it is as a fulltime parent too. Go you!
@hussein_hashish that's what we're doing this week on Thursday on Product Hunt - getting that snapshot of product/market fit of MVP. We chose Product Hunt because the audience has a wide range of interests and demographics, giving us a broad understanding vs targeted just at the investing/trading community.
@jane_crowell That makes sense. very interesting what you're building. I'm guessing the Robinhood trader persona would benefit a lot from such a solution
I think I lost my counting at this point 🤣 all I can say it takes up more than 60h/week and ofc work on weekends when needed. At the moment Klu needs our full involvement cause we are growing way too fast!
I'd say between 60-80. If I could select both I would. There is always something to do. I try to however dedicate at least one day as a complete rest day. Some weeks it's not possible but it's a goal.
As the founder of, I put in around 80 hours a week on my startup. It's a lot of work, but it's also incredibly rewarding. I'm passionate about helping businesses grow their brands on LinkedIn, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for
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