Aaron O'Leary

How many unfinished side projects do you have? 😅

I can't be the only one with an entire folder dedicated to unfinished side projects. Maybe one of them would end up IPO'ing 🧐

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John Radford
You definitely aren't the only one! You should see how many domains I own :)
Aaron O'Leary
@johnradforduk Every month I have to remember to cancel my domain renews for different domains hahaha
Tapos Ovi
@aaronoleary Never try to involve with so many projects altogether as it may create barriers to getting focused and remaining on track. Always prefer to start one after another.
Faiz Imran
@johnradforduk @aaronoleary feels good to know i'm not the only one that cancels old unused domains to make room for new unused ones
Keanne Dsouza
@aaronoleary @tapos_ovi Yea completely agree with you. But sometimes my head is buzzing with so many ideas that I buy the domain and keep for a later date.
Jonas Schaller
Like 8 or some more
Rich Watson
A couple, but not so much as side projects but more as unfinished things on my to-do list that benefit the one project as a whole
Sergei Petrov
You are definitely not the only one! I think I will not be mistaken if I say that many active developers and entrepreneurs have a whole list of interesting ideas and unfinished projects. Personally, I keep records where I record such things. And is not a only one page there. Several projects have also been put on hold. And now I'm working on 4 at the same time. But don't forget that focus is very important, so right now I focus 90% of my time on 2 of them.
Zeeshan Dossani
I have got quite a few, It's really hard to complete a hobby project 😅
Maksym Kuchur
Nice question! I always try to bring projects to an end. Although surprised by the trend in this discussion, how many people have open projects
Sergei Petrov
@maksymkuchur You are either a unique person or lucky .. or maybe both. 😀 In fact, there are several reasons why the project may be on pause. Firstly, it's usually hard to say that a project is 100% finished - there are always things that can be improved. Secondly, everything around is dynamically changing. Ideas that were in high demand half a year ago may no longer be needed. Or higher priority tasks may appear. And some projects may not be timely and need to be postponed. Suddenly the idea is tied to an event that repeats from year to year, the New Year, you did not manage to complete the project 100% and postpone it for 9 months. And then you come back with a new vision, experience and a charge for success. Also, it is considered good business practice to be flexible and pivot in time. Our project has pivoted twice in the last 5 months. This does not mean that we just abandoned our idea. We have changed the vector to be more useful for our users.
Tanya Kapoor
Few unfinished projects are there and struggling to complete them. However, will work on it and try to complete it soon. good luck to you too :)
8 - working on the 9th but this time I will change the pattern and sick :P
2 at the moment sadly....
despite have paying customers to this app https://spacesformac.xyz it always seems to be an unfinished project. 🤦‍♂️
Fajar Siddiq
hahaha i love when you say IPO'ing. I join the unfinished side projects club lol
Gaurav Goyal
Do 100s of items on the to-do/ideation list which keep getting deprioritized also count in side projects?
A lot
Suresh Sharma
4 at the moment sadly..
Adrian Cruz
I like to think of it as "modules" - some unfinished side projects may contain useful modules that I can use on my next unfinished project :) Currently have a few dozen
Avinash Pandian
Quite a lot, I guess my brain is tuned to work only during the final hours from the deadline.
Andrew Glenn
2x books, 1x TV script, 3x or 4x business ideas, and tons of projects at home. It's hard to focus energy in one direction long enough to see it through completion. I've always been that way. For example, several months ago, I had committed myself to visiting PH daily and picking one launch to post about elsewhere. I think it's been about two weeks since I've done that now and I'm trying to rebuild my momentum.
A lot... I think I have 5% of finished projects)
I have just one that I tabled for 2 years lol. I started https://www.vailable.io/ in my sophomore year of college, built out an mvp and never worked on it again since. Now that I've graduated I've started picking at it again, though the backlog feels tremendous