I've been talking the talk and waling the walk on branding/marketing/PR for more than 13 years in multiple sectors across countless jurisdictions.
Putting this aside, I'm still hungry, still foolish, still learning, still amazed. Like a kid in a candy shop :)
Number of year can be a misleading metrics. Marketing become so complex that you can have 10 years experience and still know nothing about some specific channels.
That's a good one.. which is hard to answer to me
So on paper I'd say I have 1 year of Product Management experience - finished my university in January this year.
But I was building tech products my whole life.
We were building https://starthilfe.app/ (first with another name) for 4 years now - and won a Google Hackathon with it.
I started a web agency in 2018 and did some IT projects for companies, like websites and software integrations, where I also learned many things.
And I built my first affiliate websites many many years ago.
Was the first player in the "aquarium plants via ebay" market in Germany haha 😅
Was selling used books on Amazon and used clothing on Kleiderkreisel (today Vinted) in the internet being 14 years old.
And self-taught my self to do programming and work with cool freelancers in the internet.
Not sure if you should consider this experience. But I think I do.
4 years of experience, dabbled a bit in marketing, sales and CS. Since work is early stage now I just categorize it as "go-to-market".
Have the same experience. Marketing looks completely different compared than some years ago, so have helped some folks around as well regarding AI incorporation in writing and some automation opportunities.
Almost 3 years in project/product management. I managed to participate in various projects from large CMS for hotels to small local products. This is a pretty valuable experience!
Good question. IMO I dont have years, more like months. In the age of AI, our experience half-life is counted in months. Soon Weeks. Forget years. IMO. Its an irrelevant metric.
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