✴️Nazir Yusifov✴️

How much time and resources did you invest in developing your MVP?

An MVP can require minimal or significant resources. I’m curious to know how much time and effort goes into creating the initial version of a product and how you decide what features to include in it.

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Launching soon!
Took 3 months and ~$15k for my last one (PicassoPix), but really depends on complexity - just build enough to test your core hypothesis.
Sacha Dumay
for me one month with scrapewebapp. I hope to be quicker next time tho! Building with the same stack over and over will help
Michael Green
Depends on the complexity of the MVP and how much you can DIY vs outsource. My last one took about 2 months and $10k, but I did most of the dev myself. Focus on building just enough to validate your core assumptions and get initial user feedback. Better to get something simple in front of users fast vs spending too much time and $ perfecting it upfront.
Daniel Harrison
A solid month of heads-down work to get the MVP out, using my go-to tech stack to move fast. Scraped together what I needed for the core features. Def not perfect but shipped! Goal is to cut that time in half on the next project as I get more efficient with my tools and process.
Liam Patrick O'Connor
About 6 weeks solo for me to build the initial prototype. Rails on the backend, React + Tailwind on the front end. Probably could have done it faster if I used more off-the-shelf tools/components but wanted full control. Hoping the next project goes quicker now that I have the dev environment and workflow set up!