Step 1=> Learn to do the bare minimum: Do exactly how much you're told, come in on time, also leave when the clock strikes.
Step 2=> Do what's expected: People will not specify exactly what you're expected to do, they always expect more than what they tell you. Meet that expectation, read between the lines.
Step 3=> Do what is expected, but do it your best: You're meeting the expectations but it's time to perfect what you're doing, make it your best work
Step 4=> Do better than others: You've achieved your best, now do it better than others.
Step 5=> Take up more responsibility: Do more than than what's expected, do it well
Step 6=> Be able to do everything: know everything, learn everything, understand the inner workings, be able to contribute to every step of the process
Step 7=> Become essential: take responsibility for more than what you signed up for, more than what is expected. Contribute to every aspect, when you do it well enough, you become essential.
Step 8=> Become irreplaceable: You now have your hands in every aspect of the process. You're doing it well. With enough time, it will become impossible to replace you.