Naveen MC

How to do marketing for SaaS as a beginner?

I build things. I use it myself. I feel shy about sharing with others and really scared about others' opinions. There are a lot like me. What's your number one tip for marketing the product in the right way?

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Rachel Wong
you can make a landing page and just fan it out to people (anonymously? posting on places? sharing via email?) and gauge public interest I always try to remember that it's more important to get feedback (even if people hate it!) than to build in private and not know if you're building something people want
Sanat Mohanty
@rywong sound advice. I'm following the same approach. Built a V1 version of landing page on Carrd (only copy, no visuals). While i work on product mock up, I plan to collect early feedback from selected folks from the community.
Naveen MC
@rywong That's good point. Have seen people running Facebook, Instagram Ads just with a subscribe form.
Philip Snyder
There isn't necessarily a "right" way to market a product, but I think the simplest way to get started is just talk to potential customers.
Naveen MC
@philipsnyder Like getting feedback from them?
Lauren Thomas
Do you have any other users yet? Getting them to vouch for you and sharing their testimonials as social proof could help you promote, without feeling like you're putting yourself out there. Good luck!