Anastasia Musorivschi

How to find a partner in business?


Last year I had this idea for a project and did it all by myself. When I finished the MVP, I realized that there were many things to do and I could never do it alone. When I had to find someone to help me who had the same passion as me, I was lost and didn't know where to start. And I admit I kind of gave up. But how and where do you find the right person?

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Always struggled with this too!
Gurpinder Singh
Reach out to people you think are best fit for your business as a partner, who can do things other than what you do. If you much into tech, find something who is into business, finance, marketing etc. That may help!
YC's startup school has a cool cofounder matching tool. One useful feature is that you can filter to see people that would be willing to work on existing ideas from other people. It's great if you already have an MVP to show :) I hope you'll find the perfect match!
Jamayal Tanweer
YC's startup school is something that I am currently trying out. Definitely meeting cool people. Will keep you posted if something materializes.