Daisy Do

How to get more Notify to your pre-launch page?

Hello everyone, I was just approved for the pre-launch page yesterday, but there are very few people following the 'notify' button. How can I gain more 'notify' followers?" Here is my page:https://www.producthunt.com/products/boostaitraffic

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Xavier JJ
Hey Daisy! Notified. You can get more followers by asking your current audience(if you have) or by engaging the community. This is mine btw :D (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
@xavier_jj Notified! My product is also set to launch tomorrow!
Daisy Do
@xavier_jj Just notified! Good luck for your launch Xavier :) How to ask for current audience? You mean directly message with product hunt followers?
Xavier JJ
@daisy_do I have a twitter account and I'm planning to ask them for help on my launch day. Hopefully they might show up (fingers crossed)
@xavier_jj Notified~ I'm really interested in your product because I'm currently working out 💪🏻 Mine: (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Xavier JJ
@iris_y Thanks iris, notified. Can't wait for you to try my Fitness Motion Tracking app. I'll check out your meta office too as I love remote work :P
Eugene Lipski
We're also preparing for the launch and I would be very grateful for support https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Daryna Berezhna
@eugene_lipski supported! (Here's our page as well - https://www.producthunt.com/prod...). Thanks!
Daisy Do
@eugene_lipski Hi Eugene, I am interesting in your app! Notified. When are you going to launch?
Xavier JJ
@eugene_lipski Hey eugene. Interesting product, looks like a virtual assistant but a casual one. I'm intrigued to trying this one out. Do check out mine, a motion tracking fitness app (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Eugene Lipski
@daisy_do Thank you! We were thinking of doing it on November 22, but we had to postpone it a bit due to busyness
Xavier JJ
@daisy_do @eugene_lipski Hey Eugene, please do posepone it early. I had an incident earlier on where i postpone mine late and the product launched itself. Luckily it was an empty page, and i asked the PH team to take it down. Could be some latency with the backend server.
Niamh McGlade
The best thing to do is to keep interacting with the community here. However, we found from our launch Hurree (still ongoing) that about a third of people who clicked notify me on our page haven't shown support on the day. Just something to consider when planning and good luck on the launch 😊
Launching soon!
Last time, I gained attention by participating in some groups and being active in the community. Now, I'm about to do it again: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Daryna Berezhna
@blueeon supported! Would be grateful for some support from you as well (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Xavier JJ
@blueeon What platform are those groups on? Also notified, here's mine :D (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Xavier JJ
@blueeon That's very interesting. Did you engage them during prelaunch or during launch?
Tyler Loyd
I get a lot of msgs on linkedin for not noify me for pre-launch page. So, may be try linkedin.
Daisy Do
@amirsohail9 Really! I will try this as well! But they still need to have a product hunt account, right?
Xavier JJ
@amirsohail9 Is the LinkedIn user's from product hunt?
Jacopo Proietti
Interested! Just followed. This is our link too: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... !
Xavier JJ
@jacopo_proietti Cool. I use google ads for my Motion Tracking fitness app. I can check this out :) Please do check out my fitness app launch: (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Xavier JJ
@jacopo_proietti When will you be launching?
Joanne Zhang
Notified! Btw, my product is launching tonight. It is an AI-powered, gamified reading adventure: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Xavier JJ
@joannez Cool endless story paths!? Notified! Please do check out my motion tracking fitness app (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Notified! My product is set to launch tomorrow! Share your products here.👇 Let's support together! This is mine btw :D (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
@ouyangke Notified~ I will try it out when launched! Mine: (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Daryna Berezhna
@ouyangke notified! The idea is so cool, can't wait to try it out. Will go back tomorrow to support you. (By the way, here's our page - https://www.producthunt.com/prod.... We're launching next week.)
Daryna Berezhna
@iris_y notified! Will be grateful for some support too - https://www.producthunt.com/prod.... ☺️
Neel Patel
I subscribed. Happy to get your support too - https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Xavier JJ
@neelptl2602 Supported. Can we count on you too :) (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Daryna Berezhna
@neelptl2602 supported! (Here's our page, we're launching next week - https://www.producthunt.com/prod.... Will be grateful for the support too!)
Barry Zheng
To attract more 'notify' followers on your pre-launch page, it's crucial to create a compelling narrative about your product. Share stories or use cases that highlight the benefits and potential impact. Collaborating with influencers or industry leaders to spread the word can also be effective. Email marketing to your existing network, with a link to your pre-launch page, can also drive interest. Notified and this is our coming product: https://www.producthunt.com/prod.... Looking forward to your attention and suggestions.
Notified! I am launching for the first time on Saturday (also Notion 😅) , I saw a lot of people sharing their teasers on social media among fellow creators. Also, keep taking part in conversations and people will see your 'Launching soon' badge. Good luck! Here is my launch by the way :) https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
@llsbet Notified! Mine: (​https://www.producthunt.com/prod...) thanks 😁
Xavier JJ
@llsbet Are there groups/communities for this?
@xavier_jj I suppose reddit and facebook have communities and groups, but if you are connected to liked-minded people on twitter and instagram, it is a good way to find support :)
Daisy Do
@xavier_jj @llsbet Thanks Lisa, I tried Twitter, but I do not have many followers, so I don't think it works :(
Daryna Berezhna
@llsbet notified! (Here's our launch as well https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Ethan Xu
1. Spread the word: Share your pre-launch page on social media platforms, relevant forums, and communities where your target audience hangs out. This will help you reach a wider audience and generate more interest. 2. Engage with your audience: Interact with people who show interest in your product, answer their questions, and provide updates on the progress of your launch. Building a connection with potential users can go a long way in creating anticipation. 3. Offer incentives: Consider offering exclusive perks or early access to those who sign up for notifications. People love being part of something special, and this can help drive more sign-ups. 4. Collaborate with influencers: Identify influencers or thought leaders in your industry who align with your product and ask them to promote your pre-launch page. Their endorsement can significantly boost your visibility and credibility. 5. Optimize your pre-launch page: Make sure your page is visually appealing, clearly communicates the value of your product, and has a compelling call-to-action to encourage people to sign up for notifications. Remember, building momentum for your pre-launch is crucial for a successful launch. Keep the excitement going and engage with your potential users to create a buzz around your product. Best of luck with your launch, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
Xavier JJ
@cen_xu Hey for 4, do the influencers expect to be paid?
Erdem Gelal
Hi Daisy 👋 What seems to work is to have 1-1 convos with existing community & engaging in these discussions. Weird though - all founders with successful founders usually didn't care about the coming soon page that much.. Regardless, we're launching next week and would love your support! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Daryna Berezhna
@erdemgelal notified! (We're launching next week too and would be very grateful for any support https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Xavier JJ
@erdemgelal I've notified yours, here's mine. Hope you can check it out: (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Daryna Berezhna
Notified! Here's ours as well. We're launching next week. 🙂 https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Manab Boruah
Hi Daisy, reach out to people who are most active on Product Hunt through LinkedIn and Twitter. They will surely help. Use the Visit Streak page to find out who these folks are. Here is my page - https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Let's connect on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mana... and Twitter https://twitter.com/ManabBoruah
Daisy Do
@manab_boruah Wow Manab, you got many followers now! Great work! I just followed you on LinkedIn and X :) Best wishes. Btw, what is the Visit Streak page? Can you share more, thanks!
Manab Boruah
Anish Sharma
What you did is the answer of your question. Notified!
Launching soon!
I got mine through product hunt communities https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Daisy Do
Hi friends, I noticed many of our makers want more notified! Just leave your pre-launch page here, and upvoted the post, so we can make more impress and let more people know about our product!
Maria Anosova 🔥
Create a discussion on "How to get more Notify to your pre-launch page?".
Shivam Garg
keep interacting with the community here . Also do reach out to the relevant people on the linkedin.