Content marketing is one of the most important aspects of SEO. But trying to stand out from the rest is extremely difficult. Any tips will be super helpful for me!
Hey! I have a personal blog about social media marketing. The problem is to stand out and gain a foothold among the large flow of people and competitors. The only solution is advertising.
Hey, it's definitely a really crowded field but there are still things that most blogs don't do even basic things. The biggest areas where you can get an advantage are from simplest to most difficult are:
1. Getting a custom domain. It seems basic but a lot of people think they can do their blog on a free domain and that will really hurt you in SEO. Even doing a custom subdomain isn't ideal
2. Keyword Research: Looking for lower volume easier keyword difficulty terms. You can use more expensive software like an SEM rush or Ahrefs or something like Mangools which I've heard a lot of people like. If you are strapped for cash and don't want to invest in one of those you can start with Google Trends which is totally free. You can't see things like keyword difficulty or specific search volume but you can compare terms.
3. Distribution: Most people only create content on one platform, if you turn every blog post into a youtube video or at least 2 blog posts a month into one you will gain a huge advantage. Even better go answer questions on places like Quora that are relevant to the topic of your blog and link your blog post. Use a similar strategy on Twitter. It can seem overwhelming trying to remember to post all the different places, and optimizing for each platform but it will really help with growth over time. Stay consistent and you can start to build a following especially if you're providing value with your content.
4. Technical SEO. This is probably the most challenging unless you love web development. Running a test on your website on something like GT Metrix or Ryte to see how your website performs. What matters the most is how fast your website loads, and does your website pass core web vitals? There are some other performance things as well but those are the most important to focus on. Google's SEO update over the summer prioritized performance and there's a great case study showing the hugely positive effect of using AWS cloud hosting versus managed hosting in page ranking.
You also should make sure you have an SSL for security, a good simple layout, and a design that's readable.
If the technical SEO stuff seems confusing and a total pain, it is. I'm really passionate about it because I co-founded a website building platform called where we just handle all the technical SEO stuff for you. And it will generate a website/blog for you in 2 minutes. So you can just focus on the other 3 parts that I mentioned. Otherwise, I would at least look at putting your blog on cloud hosting at some point and starting with the first three things I mentioned.
If you have any questions or want more info on any of the points just let me know, best of luck!
@kit_fach Wow. This is really detail-oriented and insightful. I was not aware of the intricacies of technical SEO. Glad to learn about it from your comment. Thank you for your feedback.
Write something different: I tend to write only tactics-oriented blog posts, which make them quite unique. That helps me to stand out.
Content distribution: That is the main key to making your content stand out. I own a LinkedIn community about Growth hacking which is helping me a lot to get traction with my content. I'm also leveraging Quora to distribute my content.
Sharing something that has worked for us:
1. Interesting hook: The first 3 lines of your blog should have an interesting hook giving a synopsis of the blog and why should a reader spend the next 5 minutes reading it.
2. Reads like a story: We as humans connect to stories. So, even knowledge oriented blogs written from a real person's perspective connect a lot.
3. Esoteric/non obvious content: I would say a well researched blog is 10 times better than an SEO blog. At the end for readers to come back it should tell something insightful and something the audience cares for.
4. Proper citations: We credit everyone we cite and any third party pictures we use. This has helped us as creators tag us back when they post next.
These by no means is a playbook. Something that has worked for with
@rahul_2992 Thank you for your insights. The third point is very essential and I am glad you shared that with us. I will definitely check out the blog.
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