Do you have any practical cases or stories when the content was actually generating you a lot of leads? Not only traffic, SEO ranking or brand awareness but actual MQLs/SQLs/opportunities that you saw in your CRM came directly from content.
From my experience aligning content distribution to the content is key to generating leads.
For example:
My blog post about product hunt template generated 3 sales and 6 MQL, as I promoted it directly on product hunt (within a week).
I'm writing several articles about Phantombuster that I'm promoting in my LinkedIn community on the topic:
So for lead gen content, I'm often working backward:
- Check the community where I have influence and reach
- Identify content they are interested in
- Generate content and distribute it in the communities.
To make your content a lead-generation machine, consistently produce high-quality, targeted material that addresses your audience's needs, while incorporating strong calls-to-action and leveraging data-driven insights to optimize engagement.
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