
How your values have changed in the last decade?

If you are not the same person as you used to be 10 years ago, it is a good sign because the progress happened. How your values have changed over time? Not only in your professional but also personal life. (If you want to share it.)

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Abhishek Dutta
Thank you for this thought-provoking question. Reflecting on how my values have evolved over the past decade, I can identify several key shifts in both my professional and personal life: 1. From individual contributor to team leader Ten years ago, I was focused primarily on my own skills and individual contributions as a freelancer. Now, I deeply value building and enabling strong teams. I've learned the importance of finding humble team members with whom I can build genuine connections and rapport. This allows us to truly understand each other and work together effectively to solve problems. 2. From holding grudges to practicing forgiveness I used to hold onto anger and grudges, even using them as a motivating force. Over time, I've realized how counterproductive and draining this is. I've learned to forgive - not just others, but also myself. This applies to relationships with family, colleagues, and even past versions of myself. Life is too short to hold onto resentment. 3. From perfectionist to enabler Previously, I felt I needed to personally execute every task perfectly. Now, I understand that true leadership is about enabling others. It's not about doing everything yourself, but about taking ownership of the vision, making key decisions, removing obstacles for your team, and driving projects forward. I've shifted from striving to be the perfect technician to focusing on being an effective leader and enabler. 4. From self-focused to team-oriented My mindset has changed from prioritizing my own career growth to considering how I can help my team and organization succeed. It's no longer just about "me" but about "we". 5. From reactive to aware I've developed a higher level of awareness about where projects, products, and team members are headed. Instead of getting lost in the day-to-day tasks, I try to maintain a broader perspective. These changes reflect a journey from a skilled individual contributor to a more mature leader and team player. While it hasn't always been easy, I believe these shifts have made me both a better professional and a more well-rounded person.
Rahul Mishra
I've become more ethical, renunciated from this world.
Rahul Mishra
@busmark_w_nika I'm more careful in making friends, working with certain people or industry. For example if you ask me to work for Coca cola or alcohol industry to market their product or build a new product for them, I can't work. My journey started in data science and I'm aware of how data is used, how it is faked and shown as analysis. It is eye opening.
Ben Syverson
Love this question! It's healthy for your values to evolve over time as you go through different seasons in life. Personally, compared to 10 years ago, I think collaboration has become more important than independence, which would have surprised me back then. Curiosity is a core value now, whereas in the past it might have been Skill or Craft.