i would recommend setting up an automation on your phone (on iPhone, use Shortcuts app). I have one for my standup in my team’s Slack, and one that auto-opens ProductHunt so I can quickly start my morning by browsing the app.
most mornings i am on the app well before my automation, but its a good reminder
Oh no :-(
I think there should be something like "streak freeze" when you reach a certain level. Similar to what duolingo does. (E.g. 2 freeze every 50 days).
Big Hugs - I lost a similar streak last year because I forgot about the timezone differences!
I know how it feels - but get back on the horse and get it back up again!
Ah, that's worse than my 100-day streak. I lost it during the earthquake disaster in my country last month. @mehmetkose has a great solution to keep the streak.