I made my first membership sale on ytbe.one, an incredible happiness.
In about 2 months, no one bought a subscription, so I started collecting feedback on ytbe.one a few days ago, and I learned a lot in line with these feedbacks and started to implement them immediately.
The first of these was that the number of adding links was too high, so I reduced the number of links to 10 and edited the other packages accordingly and published them immediately.
(Other feedback coming in will be the upcoming homepage changes that I'm currently making.)
I sold my first subscription after reducing the number of link creations.
When I sold my first subscription to you on Twitter (
https://twitter.com/MikroYazilim...) I promised to tell you what happened, what I encountered and what I did until the first sale and at the launch of ytbe.one. , soon I will start to explain this on (
https://indiehackers.com/mikroya...) I'm sure newbies will learn a lot from this story.
I share my product development etc processes on Twitter, my Twitter account for those who want to follow: