Anh Ngo (Austin)

I just turn 25. Here are 10 things I learned this year

1/ Take the leap. Quitting my job to start my company was the most liberating moment of my life so far. If you are prepared, and your gut says Yes, jump. 2/ Always be a student. I can learn new things from anyone. Stay humble. Stay curious. Every day 3/ Open to serendipity. Great things happen in unexpected places, like our first PH launch. Try new things, don’t close the door 4/ Build thick skin. Starting out, no one knew what we were doing. Rejections and criticism are constant. But if your work is important enough, push through. Embrace the tough moments 5/ Do the “unsexy” work. Reaching out to people, setting up systems, printing materials — is not glamorous, but essential. Do the work. They build the foundation for everything else. 6/ Invest in Quality. For both contents and products. MVP → MRP (Minimum Remarkable Product). Shallow content → Value-packed content. The customer’s bar is higher now, so we need to step up to meet it. 7/ Ride the trends. My highest traffic content came from leveraging a trend. So always keep an eye on them 8/ Leverage knowledge of others Hire talented people. Subscribe to great newsletters. Listen to your mentors. Stay on the shoulder of the giants to go faster 9/ Plan, execute, reflect. Yes, even in the early phase. I do campaign-based marketing from my mentor's advice. Then on reflection, I know what I worked, not didn’t work 10/ Make time for yourself. Go outside. Look at the trees. This recharges and saves me from burning out. I’m thankful for this year — for the lessons, the growth, and for all of you. To share and grow together is the best gift. But the year isn’t over yet. We’re gearing up for a big update on Saner.AI on PH to accelerate productivity for all of us in the new year. What about you? What is the biggest thing you learned this year?

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10 valuable and interesting lessons that resonates with others I've seen or experienced. Keep learning (2/ Always be a student). Keep an ear on the ground ("7/ Ride the trends", or "8/ Leverage knowledge of others" I guess) Keep pushing (1/ Take the leap. & 4/ Build thick skin.) The biggest learning this year was "Do what you need, over what you want." (5/ Do the “unsexy” work.) Some tasks needs to be done, even if we don't value them. :)
Anh Ngo (Austin)
@yassine_chrtk Great reflection man! I like this: Do what you need over what you want :) delay gratification
your article interest to me
Eric Seo
Hello! All ten points are quite impressive, but what particularly stands out to me is the emphasis on doing the "unsexy work." The idea of taking on tasks that not everyone wants to do, with a sense of selfless dedication, really resonates with me. Thank you for sharing such an inspiring piece!
Zhiqi Shi
Everything begins with a start.