Consider looking for early users to get feedback. Many times developers and founders can get caught in a feedback loop, and outside perspectives in the early stages of growth will help you refine and develop a product people want to use.
@thisissubhendu Yes that would definitely help, (potentially as an onboarding aspect for those alpha users), but I would direct all focus to getting feedback and refining your product, and then re-directing your energy to the following areas (in order of importance):
1) Revenue - activities that generate revenue. Referrals, sales, closing deals, active prospecting, etc.
2) Relationships - activities that foster long-term, vested relationships. Meetings, coffee/drinks, referral partnerships, masterminds, etc.
3) Awareness - activities that generate brand awareness. Podcasts, speaking on stages, speaking/leading group events, marketing in publications or around your city, client events, etc.
4) Structure - activities that build your back-end systems and develop your internal capabilities. Automations, new tech stack implementations, culture refinement, coaching/training as a company, etc.
Facebook instantiates the first paid traffic, for example, Facebook or Instagram. The first testers will check for bugs. When fatal errors are debugged - look for a hunter)
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