I would rate timing on top
followed by execution
imho the idea has no value without getting these two right.
to that extend, my views differ with those of @shubham_pratap
Respect it @kkumarkg , I put idea first because what someone will execute if they don't have an idea?
If there is an idea then there will be an execution.
@shubham_pratap something tells me there is no right or wrong order, as all the aspects have an important role to the success of a startup. What I'd probably add to the list would be the Team, as a key ingredient to the corporate success. Without right and passionate people ready to generate ideas, manage their tasks and contribute to the bigger goal not much can be achieved.
As a marketer's POV:
cus even a WATER can be sold w/o a bright idea or timing, Grammarly is still used without new features, AI products with no code, low-code, or heavily coded (not sure if that's the correct term) are used depending on its function and deliverability.
cus some B2B is not ready, sacrificing their old routines and employees
as long as it brings value to one person
Hum, this is an interesting question.
I did mention in one of the comments that without a good team success is hard to achieve; but if ranking just the aspects mentioned in the question, I would probably go with:
[the market is oversaturated with various ideas, sometimes overlapping, but that is execution and timing that help some succeed and others go in vain imho]
I guess:
1. Execution
2. Timing
3. Idea
An amazing idea with bad execution and timing worths nothing, but with great execution, you can correct bad timing.
The most critical component for startup/product success is execution. Having a fantastic idea or ideal timing may offer you an initial advantage, but it will not lead to long-term success if you do not execute it efficiently. A good concept, experienced staff, and efficient processes are required to turn an idea into a product that satisfies client needs and offers value. Of course, having a strong idea and timeliness are vital, but they aren't enough if it's not executed properly.
Timing is still number one, then Execution then Idea.
Imagine you built youtube in 2000s, it was a great idea but it won't succeed cause internet speed wasn't reliable.
Imagine you're building a streaming service just to stream yourself but because the timing and execution was great it went viral and you found a good business model behind it and it became twitch.
i believe it should be a healthy mix of all these
but if to rank...
launching as soon as you're somewhat ready and then refining works better
I would say 20% Idea, 20% Timing, 60% Execution. Usually execution is the hardest to nail down imo. There are plenty of good ideas out there for which the timing is good too.
If the leader has a good record on executing then lots of doors open up. People in fact go to them with ideas, because they know that the CEO will be able to come up with an execution plan. And timing is just another strategy at play. Meaning - Say an industry is not doing good, then a specialized launch for that industry might be bad timing. But the same idea launch in another industry might still be successful.
The idea of the product
Planning it accordingly
Executing it following the planned map
Time doesn't matter when all small things are lined up in order.
As we say "No perfect timing for a good start"
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