
If PH had a App Wish List (apps you wish someone would build) what would you put on the list?


I love browsing the upcoming launch list. But whenever I do it makes me think of all the apps I would love somebody to build. These are things that I am not capable of building or don't have the time, but need for my business. For example, there are lots of AI bots being launched trained on website data but I wish there was one where I could BYO my own API key and had a low price to cater to small and medium blogs. That's just one idea of many swerling in my head. What are your ideas...? And is the idea of a wishlist that developers could look at and get inspiration from on Product Hunt a good feature wish itself?🦘

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Adrien Cohen
Hello, Simon Although I can appreciate your interest in items utilizing AI, occasionally human assistance is still required. In this situation, HackrHQ is useful. You may quickly connect with the top developers for your project using our platform. While we use AI to speed up the process, we are aware that human knowledge and experience will always be superior. With HackrHQ, you can find developers who not only possess the technical expertise you require, but also the human touch necessary to fully comprehend the objectives of your project and produce the greatest outcomes. Please let me know if you're interested in learning more about HackrHQ !
@adrien_cohen1 Hey Adrian! Looks interesting - I will check it out! I agree with you - humans come first, especially in the case of the topic of this post, because..... What I was I was thinking more about with this post was what tools people like myself (I am a buyer, rather than a dev) might wish that devs would build because I have a particular need for an app that is not yet built. I'd love to hear if there are others like me that have ideas for tools they need and would like a way to put those ideas out there for devs to pick up and run with.
It's not uncommon to come up with ideas for apps or tools that we'd like to see but can't build ourselves. In terms of your specific idea for an AI bot that allows for BYO API keys and caters to small and medium blogs, that sounds like a valuable and potentially lucrative tool for many businesses. As for the idea of a wishlist feature on Product Hunt that developers could use for inspiration, I think it could be a really interesting and useful addition. It would provide developers with insights into what users want and need, allowing them to build products that are more aligned with market demand.
@victoria_wu I have my fingers crossed that the next AI chatbot will allow BYO API key! I am glad you like the idea of a 'Wish List'. Naturally, developers will want to keep their great ideas to themselves, but I think it would be awesome for app consumers like me, who have ideas and would love to put them forward to be considered and built. As you rightly say, developers might find ideas with instant product-market fit for an idea that gets upvoted enough. I think there might be similar ideas out there, but I would love to see the PH ecosystem have its own because no one does it like the Kitty (and no one else has as many kittens, if that is what we are?)
akash jain
Hi @simon_s_j, you have actually stated the right problem and is one of the many problems we are trying to solve. We are building, a personalised content creation coach which is aiming to solve for these content related issues. While some of the features are still in development like the one you pointed out but there are some features already on the web app which might help you create content as per your need. Happy to get your feedback and inputs on the upcoming features.
@akashjain0204 Hi Akash Jain, that is great news! And wow - qudos for an awesome site! I am going to enjoy getting a close look at what you guys are working on. If first impressions are anything, it's going to be huge!
Florian Myter
Hey @simon_s_j , I spend a lot of time making documentation (tutorials, videos, blogposts, ...). It's extremely frustrating to continously discover discrepancies between the documentation and the "educational content" as new versions of products are released! I've been playing with the idea of automatically tracking dependencies between code (from github) and relevant tutorials. This would make sure that you're notified up-front when a new feature requires an update to documentation. Love the idea of a wish list though, I keep a list of these ideas in my personal Notion. Never get round to actually building them though 😅
@florian_myter Yes, indeed...and extrapolating from your use case, it's a great example of what I think is a big challenge for the internet as a resource—how do we keep all this information up to date so people can have confidence in it? It makes me wonder if one day AI might help by being able to index knowledge and a Chrome extension, for example, subtly alerts you when you are reading content that might have an aspect that is out of date because it sees a more up-to-date article (or whatever) elsewhere and links you through to it. Something that search engines can't do right now is tell you if what you are reading seems kosher. And with AI writing known to get a little free-and-fancy with the facts sometimes (I love the expression 'hallucinating'), we're going to need something like that I think!
Vlad Golub
An app that integrates with my calendar and automatically suggests the best times for team meetings based on everyone's availability and time zones!
@realvladgolub Yes - I work with others in different time zones, and it is really hard when you have to (1) find a time everyone has a slot in their own schedule, and then (3) from those times, find a time that matches everyone and not have one or more team members having to get out of bed to attend! Maybe everyone's diary could have their appointments flagged in such a way they could indicate with each appointment if it is able to be rescheduled such that if a 'more important' group meeting needed that time slot they could be asked to reschedule that flexible appointment to free up the slot for the important meeting (if you get my drift!)
Harley coates
If there was an app for everything, PH would be the best place to visit! Here’s a list of apps we wish existed but don’t. What are yours? #appwishlist Virtual Plant Parent: An app that allows users to virtually care for and grow virtual plants as a form of relaxation, mindfulness, and stress relief. It could provide features like watering reminders, growth tracking, and virtual gardening tools for users to cultivate their virtual green space and enjoy the benefits of indoor gardening. Dream Catcher: An app that helps users capture and record their dreams in a creative and interactive way. It could include features like dream journaling, voice recording, and dream analysis tools to help users explore the meaning and symbolism behind their dreams. Food Waste Warrior: An app that helps users reduce food waste by providing recipes and meal-planning ideas based on ingredients they have on hand. It could also include features like inventory management, expiration date tracking, and tips on reducing food waste through proper storage and preservation techniques. If anyone has an idea about the above, do mention it.
@harley_coates Hey Harley! Wow! What awesome, planet-aware, people-focused ideas! Virtual Plant Care - I love the virtual plant care app idea, and what about plant swapping? We're getting very meta here, of course! And what if I meet a plant-thriving target, the platform plants a real tree in my name? The mind is going wild with this idea! Dream Catcher - I really like this idea. If you are a user right now, it's more like a nightmare over their pricing fiasco and we all need an app that focuses on better dreams to calm us down! Seriously though, I understand what you mean and I wonder how AI might help perhaps allowing people to have a chat with AI as a way to express their dream experiences. Food Waste - Yes, in fact I thought I might have seen one launch the other day that would tailor recipes to what you have on hand. I would love one that has a staple pantry and a suite of recipes that you can use with that staple set of ingredients, tailored of course to dietary requirements. We should say if anyone takes one of these ideas and runs with it to let us know and credit a little inspiration on this side to Harley!
Tej Garikapati
Definitely Health Tech apps. There is so much gey area in that space, that a small innovation can give you a huge advantage. One app is bringing together diabetic patients, doctors and nutritionists together. The app would allow users to put in their blood sugar valies which can be monitored on a regular basis by their doctors, the app gives notifications to remind them about medicines. And instead of multiple bills, the app would have a monthly subscription model which would give them acess to teleconsultations, app , etc everything. Kind of like a one stop app for diabetes If anyone is interested in building this, I can definitely help. Let me know.
@tej_sai Hey Tej, What a great example - of a few things. 1. A great idea 2. A great example of why a Wish List would be great, and 3. That you can say, 'here's my idea; anyone want to work with me on it' which is something I had not thought of! And as you say, this is just one example in the health tech arena. Health tech sounds scary to me because you are stepping into dealing with really sensitive information, and I wonder if that is why we tend to see lots of fitness apps out there (fairly harmless data sets) while the more heavy health tech gets a bit serious data-wise. But that means opportunity for those willing to grapple with the regulatory issues around data security. (I have no expertise in this field, just my lay-opinion on the topic.)
Tej Garikapati
@simon_s_j Hey! Exactly..the more regulations a niche has the scarier it gets. The scarier it gets, less founders willing to take the jump. This decreases the innovation in that space. This was the case with space exploration until elon musk came in with spaceX. Regarding the wishlist, I geel like itbwould be great. Just people sharing in their ideas, collaborating together. Finding a cofounder is hard and this could help streamline that process too.
Richard Gao
I'd mostly use it as a way to plan for features for my own app haha Probably one that I want to build the most is a chatgpt plugin for image generation We're working hard to get that out
@richard_gao2 Yes! It sounds like it would be a good source of inspiration and incubation for ideas for people's own projects. Good luck with your chatgpt plugin for image generation - what's your angle/use case going to be on that?
I have an additional idea to share... I'd like a tool that could take my blog URL and the URLs of the top 10 blogs in my niche, and analyze all of them to create a content creation roadmap. The tool should consider not just keywords, keyword clusters, backlinks, and other KPIs, but also the context of the top blogs and their top articles, the essential topics that any blog aspiring to become an authority site must cover, and so on. Then, it should prioritize underserved topics and long-tail keywords and tell me which X-hundred articles to write first and in what order. I'm a huge fan of and their keyword/keyword cluster-based approach to analyzing the top X blog posts for that keyword. However, I'd like a tool that can do this but on a larger scale for a specific competitor blog or set of blogs. Perhaps there are several tools that together can do this job, but for someone like me who is more of a writer/editor and visual curator than a techie, using several tools to synthesize all of the metrics into a cohesive roadmap is a huge workload. Of course, this is just my wish, but I wonder how many other wish lists are out there for all sorts of amazing use cases, and any developer looking for their next project might find an idea and run with it. So, what's your need/wish?