If you could have any person become a member of your family, who would you choose?


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J.K. Rowling for magical bedtime stories.
Christin Koehler
Lin-Manuel Miranda for family musicals and creativity.
Claudia Lyons
Oprah Winfrey for heart-to-heart conversations.
David strc
Maya Angelou for profound life lessons.
Den Taylor
Misty Copeland for family ballet nights.
Emma Jon
David Attenborough
Emma Watson
Serena Williams
Neil Armstrong
Ira M. Cassidy
Maya Angelou
Kathilien John
Malala Yousafzai
Klaudia Bumgarner
Stephen Hawking
moris mathew
J.K. Rowling
Muhammad Saifi
Amelia Earhart
Noah Jessica
Bill Gates
Rose C. Goldsmith
Marie Curie
William Woods
Mother Teresa
Aryan Kohli
Angelina Jolie
Vivek Sharma
If the bars beyond dead and living I would choose Albert Einstein!
I'd go for an AI companion. Always there to help, provide insights, and never forgets a birthday. πŸ˜„