If you could reimagine a spreadsheet, what would you change?
I’m Nuno, co-founder at Decipad (https://www.decipad.com), and we’re constantly trying to reimagine the spreadsheet.
Today, making decisions and communicating with numbers is still really hard. It’s hard to learn Excel, and even once you’ve mastered it, it still has it’s drawbacks… These are some pain points from spreadsheet users we’re trying to address…
1. Giving context to numbers. Being able to differentiate easily between meters and feet, to avoid errors.
2. Quickly organize and showcase data that matters.
3. Quickly publish models that look great.
Recently, we just launched Data Views! It’s similar to pivot tables, but you can easily reuse data throughout your notebook. All you need to do is drag and drop. We’re really excited because it’s a way to organize and vizualise your data in seconds. And, you don’t need to use any formulas.
Don’t get me wrong — this is not to say that we think spreadsheets are bad. In fact, quite the opposite: they’re essential. But, spreadsheets force models through a visual grid. They obscure data relationships in formulas hidden behind cells, are prone to breaking, and are not very elegant looking.
What are your biggest pain points when it comes to spreadsheets?