What is the one thing you love to do day in and day out? I personally love to check on positive customer feedback and product development.
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In your poll, it is missing "Celebrating" because every day we must celebrate little and big things! We are working to grow all together for the same cause, values, and to have fun.
I would need to say team meetings since our team is awesome! @kate_santoro1@alazne91@zurine_martin work is easier with this team π (I'm surprise it's just the 2% of the votes, sometimes I feel like team building + brainstorming seesions are needed to be alligned!)
I sell digital assets online. And my favourite part of the day is to see how many people came to my website or how many sales I got in the whole day. Really motivates me.
Reviewing user creations on the software (memories as we call them). The insight gained from user creations is priceless.
I regularly become amazed by the creativity of others as they use the software from a different perspective.
That never gets old. I guess that would fit in the "Positive Customer Feedback" category
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