Yeah it is getting saturated for sure. But then it boils down to competition, in this market of influencers there is a saturation for the need of influencers as well. So they are balancing each other.
I think that one day, when something unpredicted will happen, one country government will require to show if social media account is for company, bot or real person. When it will happen, some not true view of social medias will vanish. For example you will be able to see that most comments are bot comments.
As they say, future will show.
The influencer industry is just getting started. Imagine how well influencer engagement with work with developers, who trust no one except others like them? I think its actually going to change and be less about people with lots of followers and more about customers speaking loudly about the products they love.
@yeshaswini or at least that’s why hope as I’m building a product to serve this use case and need. The rise has been happening and covid as intensified companies wanting to be more customer centric.