Leo J Barnett

Interns! - What's the best task you've set for them?


Currently have two remote paid interns helping out with marketing prep and research. I'd love to hear the highest value tasks you've set them for your company, and also with some fundamental lessons for them. Thanks!

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John Koo
First few days, I ask them to improve our Notion pages. if there is some info need to be updated, they should do it (for example, company intro, old pages that nobody reads anymore, rules and policy, etc). By doing so, they read all the prior materials and know more about company. Also great motivation since it's little but accomplishment for them.
Leo J Barnett
@imjohnkoo Love this John, exactly the kind of thing I was keen to hear! I've had them use our products in typical ways and also fill out surveys themselves before distributing. Another way to keep then in the loop before taking on anything else.
John Koo
@leojbarnett That's also awesome idea. I should implement the steps in our onboarding process too. Thanks!
You have 2 interns I have my project, Could you ask them to grow Bllng community 😺 Haha you are in a good position - marketing is about growing the community so good luck BTW: I appreciate you rating my own product on my page and your view about the starter page will be niceπŸ˜‡