Paul VanZandt

Is collaboration dead?

There are times when collaboration is obviously necessary - but this doesn't account for all the times that it's used. With the increased regularity of remote work environments, has the power and importance of collaboration become a thing of the past? Let me know how you collaborate with your teams and if you think we're moving into a new era of professional collaboration!

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I don't think collaboration is dead. If we want to create great work, we need other people, because nobody is the alpha and omega. Of course, the way we collaborate is still developing. Remote and hybrid working is very popular nowadays, but we have a lot of great tools (e.g. Firmbee) that help us keep good communication in the team. In my work, team meetings are fundamental. During these, we define responsibilities. Then, using Kanban boards in Firmbee, we break down the entire project, set priorities and deadlines and assign specific tasks to individual members.
Paul VanZandt
@izabela2 Thanks for sharing Izabela; I think you're totally right. It's great to hear that people are till prioritizing new ways to communicate and collaborate!
Kirtan Patel
Collaboration is key to a successful business. We need to arrange to spend time with our teammates and discuss their problems and their solution. Also, do the general discussion.
Paul VanZandt
@kirtan_patel33 Communication is where all positive action starts from, so this is definitely essential. If you're looking for a tool to help guide collaboration, communication, and task management, try taking a look at my startup, Fresco!
Iván Arozamena Balbín
I think one issue is like companies at using at least 3 tools and its not really good user experience
Paul VanZandt
@ivan_arozamena_balbin1 Collecting all the collaborative functionality you need in one place is super hard nowadays - hopefully Fresco can make it easier! We're trying to merge task management and visual collaboration to give people a collaborative hub they can use in multiple different ways