Makes life easier if it is. As much as we all want to be able to 'switch off' there are times where you do need to be contactable out of hours, and using the same messaging tool makes life easier.
It depends on the type of tool. Some tools are intended for desktops due to the available real estate to display information. Mainly in the B2B market.
I think it's 1000% necessary! Messaging needs to be mobile first today - if I'm on my commute to work, traveling, or just taking a walk around the neighborhood I NEED to have the ability to have a pulse on things. You can always silent notifications if you want to tune out :)
A mobile messaging app is designed to make your life more accessible wherever you are. Allowing you to communicate with colleagues, customers, and friends anytime and anywhere makes the job easier.
Yes, it is necessary for every professional. For example, to keep in touch with clients or get information about job opportunities. Also, tracking their social media posts' engagement and the company's Internet activity.