It's Monday - Lets start the week off with some fun 🀣


I've setup a Playlist called the Indie Hacker Power Playlist for those times where we all need a bit of help to get us pumped up to work or to continue when we've got a bit of low energy.... It's a collaborative list and I'd love for you to add some of your favourite tracks:

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Raja Simon
Oh wow! 13 songs added already :) Lately I've been listening to lo-fi beats but now I will give IHPP a try...
@rajasimon I'll be doing a new one each month for different tastes πŸ˜€ So you'll be able to add the lo-fi beats to that one
@bogomep hey thanks - I'll be making a new list each month so if you don't contribute to this one because of your music taste I'll have others πŸ˜€
Gideon Oni-Becsen
Unrelated but, Dark mode makes your startup a 100x more potential success 🀣
Gideon Oni-Becsen
@maxwellcdavis Just in the spirit of "fun" actually. Your post gave me an opportunity to be relaxed and relieved of a founder's pressure, especially on Monday
Doktor Fit
Good tunes! love the idea ;D
Arun Pariyar
🎼 This is such a cool idea for remote teams ! 🀘