Jana Schellong

Launch with or without a waitlist?

If you have or had a signup waitlist, did you remove it for your Product Hunt launch? Why or why not? And what were your learnings?

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Karthik Tatikonda
I would recommend launching with a waitlist Jana! As far as I've seen, building an audience before the launch is much better. because you can get the upvotes in the first 2 hours which is crucial for getting featured on the home page. I interview creators whose products ranked in the top 3 of the product hunt and decode their launch strategies. I think it will help you. If you're interested, let me know I will send you the link. it is free!!
Jana Schellong
@karthik_tatikonda Thank you Karthik. Building our community of early users is something we believe in from day one. So we regularily onboarded users from our waitlist. With the day of the Product Hunt launch we will remove it, so that all Product Hunters can use the product and give feedback.
Philippe Beaudoin
We had one when we were on TestFlight, but removed it for the launch. It didn't prove as useful as I hoped.
Jana Schellong
@philbeaudoin thanks for sharing! Why do you think the waitlist was not as useful?
Philippe Beaudoin
@jana_schellong it did not succeed in creating early enthusiasm… I believe you may need it if you go viral…
Izabela Tomica
We have a waitlist as we don't have our product fully developed yet and we need early adopters for the tests. For PH launch we won't be using waiting list as it irritates people who want to test the product, not wait for it.
Jana Schellong
@tomitomcat Same for us. We were having a waitlist for the past months to iterate the product with early users. For our launch next week, we will remove the waitlist, so all Product Hunters can use the product.