Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO

Launching on Friday

Hey Product Hunt, I am launching on Friday and here is my product: Please take a look and give some feedback to it. Is there something I can/should improve for the launch? Also would be happy to have you on the waitlist if you are interested in the product ;)

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Ali Shishehgar
Interesting! I am looking forward to the launch!
Silverio Reinecke
Sounds interesting!
Mike Kennedy
Sounds pretty cool from the little information shared on the teaser page. Looking forward to seeing it and signing up on Friday! Best of luck! On the topic of pitch decks, I'm launching tomorrow and I made my pitch with Keynote. It truly amazes me how powerful Keynote is. For anyone reading that is interested in seeing what is possible with Keynote, follow my upcoming launch and check out the video tomorrow. If you can believe it, every animation in the pitch video was done entirely in Keynote. OP: What is your preferred software for pitch creation?
Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO
@mkenny I personally have not worked a lot with keynote but ill definitely check it out because I have keynote on my laptop anyways ;) I do a lot of my pitchdecks in google slides because it allows me to work within the google business suite and to work together with my team.
Mike Kennedy
@derstartupcfo @derstartupcfo I see. The collaboration aspect is something I had not considered and I imagine that plays a large part when building a deck across a team. I've always built mine myself so it wasn't as necessary for me. I will definitely check out Google Slides and look into your product launch on Friday. The one thing about Keynote that can get tricky is that you can made really cool transitions and animations, but once you've built a deck, editing it can be a huge pain later. This is due to the fact that you often have to duplicate slides and make sure content is in exactly the same position across those slides for the animations to not jump. When the content you want to edit is buried behind a lot of layers, this becomes extra frustrating.
Utkarsh Gupta
Looking forward to your launch @derstartupcfo ! We, Lens ( launched today! Our aim is to turn online sessions to be as exciting and awesome as offline ones! Do check us out and share some love ❤️
David Cagigas
Good Luck! Wish you the best :)
Sean Jackson
I know it is hard to put a lot on these promo pages but a couple of things for the launch...does this include templates with art work and if so, for Slides, PP, Keynote, etc.? Is this challenge based on some of the more popular formats and if so, from whom? For example the one from Jason Calacanis or Sequoia etc? Also does it include a review process after the 10 days and if so, by whom (authority in the space, etc). Generally the idea of helping someone build a deck is valuable and having some sort of end process goal that they need to achieve is nice. It would also be nice if there was some award at the end related to publish & promotion. As I said, hard to articulate the value prop with such limited space in the PH landing page system and I am sure you will address these when you actually launch the product. Generally from my experience is that everyone you speak with has their specific format they want info presented in. So the problem is creating a pitch deck that you can switch around quickly (add and remove) along with the flexibility to have decks for emailing and decks for presenting is something to consider as you create the challenge. Good luck on the launch and excited to see what you have created. P.S. As a bonus, having coaching on how to deliver a 1 min, 2min, 3 min and 5min in person pitch would be a nice up-sell for people.
Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO
@sean_jackson5 Hey thank you for your valuable feedback Ill try to implement something of it. I have thought about some kind of award but its hard to manage because the subscribers won't all start at the same day so you can not really set a deadline
Sean Jackson
@derstartupcfo Actually you can set a deadline...for the next launch. Let me explain an idea. You use this launch to test out the general concept, improve on it, etc. Then you set a second launch but this time you make it a limited window of 24 hours and use the launch to get people on a list (limited to X number of people, etc) and then give everyone 24 hours to signup when you "open" the cohort up. This way everyone is working as a group (think discussion boards for cohorts) and you can engage with them as a group in the 10 day challenge. At the end of the period, you can then do a showcase with some judges, awards etc. You are correct that the award may not work on this first go but if you do this again, think of a community aspect to this where you can use exclusivity as a demand driver and then add value to everyone in mass as they graduate through your program. Just an idea and good luck on your launch.
Daria Malinovskaia
Great! In 10 days of this challenge hopefully I'll finally create a pitch deck
Joe Shaw
Wish you the best :D
I'm intrigued! Congrats and best of luck! I'll check it out!
Congrats, looking forward to it
Emily Rasenecker