Learnings unpacked (Vela OS): How to be #1
When we launched the first version of our product last year, we got to #3. This year, we reached #1, because we did many things differently.
Here's what we did differently this year.
1. Build real relationships
This is no BS. There are real and helpful people here in this community. I met @cem_ozcelik (https://www.producthunt.com/@cem_ozcelik) via the community after seeing him on a streak.
I reached out to get his advice and learnings. In an hour conversation, he shared all the key things to make our launch a success. Afterwards, he was super helpful to give feedback to our content, guided us what to focus on and what to ignore, how we should engage with the community before launch and how we should be a valuable member.
He shared all the useful tools to track our launch. Then he was available to chat with me and jump on a call to complete our hunting process. During the launch day, he was available and continuously supporting me as the product's hunter.
And, he did all this without expecting anything, as a solid friend. A real community member.
I'm so grateful for this support. Without his involvement, we wouldn't do what we achieved.
2. Create value before launch
Don't rush your launch. We waited for a month to monitor the community's launch, and gave back to the community.
Not upvoting randomly, but making genuine comments after using their products as early adopters.
People really appreciate this, and that's the magical flywheel that keeps ProductHunt going over the year.
Give back.
3. Get your close team members to engage
You're likely not alone in this game. You have co-founders, early team members, investors. Get them involved in the community before the launch, like you do.
This process creates more value to the community, but more importantly, they internalize the launch process and see what's good and not good.
4. Prepare solid visual materials
Put enough effort into preparing visuals to explain your product. More importantly, prepare a video.
We're all builders with small budgets, so be scrappy and do a Loom video.
I know preparing a video is not for everyone. I also don't do it. However, for this launch, I decided to keep it friendly and genuine. So rehearse your video a few times, and record a genuine demo of your product.
Many people reached out and shared how much they liked the visuals and the video.
5. Pick the right day
I thought about the right day to compete. I definitely did not want to compete on a day when OpenAI releases a new product.
Last week was Thanksgiving in the US. The thesis was that most US-based large companies would avoid making a launch on a Monday after the holiday.
6. Clear out your calendar
Once you pick the day, clear out the calendar. You can't take meetings.
Ask your team not to do anything that day but just to focus on the launch. You'll receive so many signups. Things will break, and you'll need to fix.
Your team should hustle to engage users and their network as much as possible.
ProductHunt launch should be the only thing that you should think on for 24h.
7. Ready to sleep less
You'll likely have to be awake most of the time. I slept only 4h. You need to be on it in each step to coordinate your troops.
8. It's a marathon, don't give up
You can't slow down in any moment. Your competitor is behind you all the time. The moment you feel you may be winning, the competition may be gaining momentum.
Ping every person you've interacted about your business, and ask for genuine if they really like and believe in what you do.
Hope this helps.
Please feel free to shoot any questions if any!
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