Lost my 126 day streak….but check what happened..

I see so many of us (me included) celebrate streaks. Starting of with reaching 25/50/100… and it starts off with excitement and then there are days where you come on just keep it going. I looked the other day and I was at 1… I felt a little sad at first.. but then felt free. As I write this post I’m coming from a place of joy, excitement to be here and not bound by streaks. Gamification is great but it can quickly become a forced habit. I have now decided to come and hang out here on my terms with joy without the need for streaks. So for those who are streakless or have lost streaks I hope you feel the way I do. Free and light! See you all here my friends on days that call me to come here. Like now :)

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Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
Welcome to the club! I share your feeling, it's indeed relaxing
@mary_rumyantzeva glad to hear I’m not the only one!
Marvin Mändle
Gamification has two sides, I totally agree. I know that from snapchat (flames). When you think about it, it's so useless to send random pictures just to keep the flames. I think the kitty points are the better indicator on Product Hunt!
@marvin_maendle actually yes you make a super valid point! Kitty points shows your value because it is dictated by quality of your posts and responses rather than just logging on
Marvin Mändle
@slimmy82 yes definitely! I will see how long my strike will be, but I will stop for sure for Christmas.
Hey Slim. I'm sorry this happened to you. It must've been quite painful. I lost mine at 79. It was heartbreaking. So I made a Chrome plugin for Product Hunt (will post here soon) It will have dark mode and streak reminder. It works by detecting whether or not you have visited PH on Chrome (where the plugin is installed). If not, you will get an email near the end of the day. Hope this will save some heartbreaks :)
Michael Shver
@jgani this plugin sounds like a great idea! I'm trying to keep the streak, but I'm always worried I'll forget to visit PH on weekends 😬
@jgani great concept but I’m no longer focusing on streaks. I’m free from streaks and want to only log on as needed
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Lost mine at 37 and it was my first time. Same situation same feelings
Rihab Zaidi
I can relate to this! I lost mine a month ago and now I find myself engaging in more meaningful discussions without being bound by my streaks!
Hossein Yazdi
Though streaks are motivational, I'm sure PH is interesting enough to get you back and explore daily new awesome tools!
@hosseinyazdi as long as I am not forced just to hit the streak! If I’m interested in looking then for sure
Massimo Chieruzzi
Totally agree! Gamification is fun, but to be fair it's more useful for PH than for us :)
Kellie O Hara
Welcome LOL - I spend lots of time in here but there are days when I do not have the band width, and that is totally ok :D My own self-imposed PH streak is to make time at least 3 times per week and spend time trying to provide valuable insights, connecting on LinkedIN/zoom, and checking out superfantastical products that help my portfolios :D
Edmond Bitay
Slim! What is the point of streaks here?
@edmondbitay I don’t know. More for PH to get engagement! I consider kitty coins more important metric of quality of your contribution to the community
Emmanuel Raymond
That's a positive response to that Slim. Way to go👋
Same here!
Sandra Djajic
That's very interesting story, I am happy for you that you actually managed to get so much positive things out of losing your streak. That's a talent! :)
Roza Zakaryan
I feel you, I lost my 25 days when just relax during the weekend :D
Marc Bovenzi
Usually streaking is frowned upon in public anyway 🤪
Maurizio Isendoorn
Great to hear, I like your positive mindset
Joseph Thomas
Oh so sad, start it again.
Gaston Krasny
At the end, " day streak" it's not an important metric. Of course a new product focus in short-term success, but may be looking for a last week daily average is better than this.
Max Avery
Return of the Mack
Span Chen
sad to hear that.
Oisin O'Reilly
OMG! 126 Day streak, So sad. just start it again.