Julia Engelsmann

Mac or Windows?


What do you prefer?

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Cristian Stoian Urzica
Mac for working, windows for playing :)
Julia Engelsmann
@cristian_stoian_urzica I also use Mac for working :)
Shadman Nazim
@julia_engelsmann Macs for serious work, and Windows for serious play. Gotta keep that work-play balance, right? ✌️
Ena Gluhakovic
As a graphic designer, it'll always be Mac, the difference is incomparable.
Henry Burkert
Alireza Baensaf
Launching soon!
@henry_burkert followed your teaser page! please support our teaser page https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Jan Leonovich
I use the entire Apple ecosystem from my computer to my watch. But all the time I keep one eye on Microsoft. For example now it’s very interesting what they will do with the transition to ARM processors and with their new version of Windows 11.
Lokesh Joshi
Ruslan Kulikov
Peter Fil
Mac definitely, since I started using Mac 15 years ago
Marvin Mändle
of course Mac...windows only for gaming... at least for me
@julia_engelsmann since the graphic hardware is more powerful, and the ecosystem is more suitable...hh
Tim Tanida
I started on Windows, but later on switched to Mac. Would definitely never switch back to Windows, the user experience is just so much smoother on Mac.
Julia Engelsmann
@tim_tanida I can totally relate, I started with Windows as well, but would not like to go back there 😂
Tim Liao
Mac for work and music(Cultivating interest.)
Tim Liao
@julia_engelsmann wait, you play music, too?
Miko Markovic
Mac, it's easier for work tasks. What about you?
Peter Hansen
Mac, 100%
Peter Hansen
@julia_engelsmann When I switched from Windows to Mac, my productivity increased manifold. It's just a more amicable environment and easier to navigate—for me, at least.
Eduardo E Sierra
Mac to create and for work
Joseph Natoli
Unfortunately if you are a developer, it's required to work on Mac.. especially if developing for mobile. So I am Mac. But you always need to build a home PC as the Master-race and run windows for gaming.
Julia Engelsmann
@joseph_natoli Very interesting, I heard that Windows is way better for gaming. But I still prefer Mac a lot
Michelle Duval
Launching soon!
Mac for sure!
Mark Lemuel M
mac for security and mostly design editing (photoshop/music (it has good hardware standard for music)/and video. for phyton and automation windows. I use both.
Mac is the only way to go... unless you want to play games 😂
Natalie Ermishina
Mac, can't do anything about it :)
Igor Lysenko
As a developer, I have used many operating systems. And I prefer Windows than Mac.