
Marketing > Engineering -> Do you think the same?


In my opinion even if your product is bad (not to say terrible), if you have good marketing, beautiful landing page, etc. your product will still sell. Do you think its the same or just me? This is coming from me as a software engineer for years.

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Yes. Or at least that’s what I think. Marketing and branding combined are always going to be more impactful and effective than engineering alone. While engineering builds the product, marketing and branding shape its identity, telling a compelling story that resonates with users - which is always more important.
Benard Ogutu
I think they complement each other. You might have top notch marketing skills but poorly built products or no skills at all to build the product.
Tasha Konkina
💯! I believe marketers should fully understand the responsibility that comes with the power of polishing any 💩 and selling it as candy. As a marketer myself I always put product first and would never promote anything I do not believe in. But I know way too many cases when a shiny marketing wrap sells pretty much anything 🥲
Sergey Koshevoy
I see where you're coming from, Meduard, and you're definitely touching on an important point: marketing can make or break a product. However, I’d argue that the relationship between marketing and engineering is more of a partnership than a hierarchy. Here’s my take: Marketing creates the first impression. A beautiful landing page and compelling messaging can attract users, but it can’t keep them. If the product doesn’t deliver on the promises marketing makes, you’ll lose trust and users fast. Engineering delivers the experience. A well-built product ensures that the users stick around. Bad products with great marketing might get initial traction, but good products with bad marketing often struggle to even get discovered. In a perfect world, marketing and engineering collaborate. Marketing communicates the product’s value and user feedback to engineering, and engineering builds a product that fulfills (and exceeds) what’s promised. So yes, marketing can sell a bad product temporarily, but in the long run, engineering defines whether people stay or leave. What do you think about the balance between these two?