1. Just think it is not Monday 2. set a goal for Monday before going to bed on Sunday night 3. Remind yourself that Monday is another chance to reach for your goals.
Wake up and do something different. Meditate or cook breakfast or just read a book. Or do pushups. Something which you usually never do on a monday. The basic idea is to trick your brain into thinking that it's another weekend with some work to do!
I really like this question. I think the answer would be different depending whether the founder has a full-time job, part-time job or working solely on their own projects.
Never forget that "Monday" is simply a word us humans have all agreed to call it. Think and write down what would make you not care if it were Monday tomorrow, and would actually make you excited to get up, and strive toward that. That may mean being your own boss. Starting at 10am. Delegating grunt work and managing. I am fortunate enough to have done this, I have a long way to go though. Life's a swim, not a climb. Good luck!
Set goals, have a physical achievement when you finish a task. I like to spend a little time in the morning outside with a cup of coffee to get my day started on the right track.
Start the week of (after getting the kids to school) with some exercise to get the heart pumping! I use Monday mornings to plan out my week, goals, meetings etc. Hopefully what you're working on is something that does motivate you, so your Monday blues can be quickly dispelled! If you really hate what you're doing... look for something else or at least an outlet to spark your creativity.
I spend half of Monday responding/initiating the standard water-cooler conversation with colleagues "So, what did you do this weekend?" - I like small talk so it easily distracts me out of a Monday funk 😃
Monday is actually my favorite workday of the week. I can settle new goals, catch up on my long term tasks... It's refreshing. But yes I understand the Monday Blues feeling, when I'm feeling low I listen to music and break down my tasks into small pieces.
Roy, the world is beating a lot more than just Monday blues unfortunately so. Reaching your targets is not any harder on Monday than on a Sunday or a Wednesday. In fact Monday is the day I look forward to and make my sales engagements.
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