Iren from FirstHR

Morning or evening? When are you most effective?


Let's find out what time of the day you are most productive!

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Daniel Hunt
The first few hours of the morning are the best! Some people say that they can work 12 hour-days but I never believe them. I reckon I get around 60% of my work done in the first 3 hours of the workday πŸ˜‚
Iren from FirstHR
@daniel_hunt4 God, someone finally said it! I'm already tired of these phrases "I work 20 hours a day without days off." So I completely agree with you, the first 4 hours of work are the most important.
Kirill Sokol
@daniel_hunt4 Sleeping in the middle of the day for 30-60 minutes whenever possible. This will give 2x happy hours of highly efficient work per day πŸ˜‰
Maria Hagsten
@daniel_hunt4 Yes, yes, yes! Thank you for saying this. I so agree, and I also don't believe in the whole hype about saying we all work 80+ hours a week. To add to it, I work best in the morning after I get a good night's sleep and have some time away from work to really truly recharge and refresh my mind with new inspiration.
Andreas MΓΈller
@daniel_hunt4 I makes you wonder how easy their job must be if they barely have to be a wake to do it :)
Darya Antonyuk
I'd say either morning, or super late at night, when nothing disturbs me
Late at night, when there's almost nothing to distract you
Alex Petruchio
Dmitriy Pegov
Night πŸ˜…
Sergey Firkin
Late night.
Roland Marlow
I would technically say morning but I can be very productive at night after everyone goes to bed, no distractions and I can just work. I usually still have plenty left in the tank too.
Nick from FirstHR
If I had a good night's sleep, then morning, otherwise evening. πŸ˜…
Henry Ida
Morning! I have more energy after the morning coffee
Ruvim Rubish
Morning! πŸ˜…
Olesia Krugliakova
right at the time of the deadline
Morning > Evening > Noon (afternoon slump is just hard to beat, you know)
Kirill Sokol
For me, my most productive times are the first 3-4 hours after I wake up. I always try to have an afternoon nap whenever possible. This gives me 2 times 3-4 hours of highly efficient work per day 😊
Morning and night. When nothing distracts you πŸ€ͺ
Ghost Kitty
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Dave-Anthony Smith
It depends. I can be just as effective at night as I am in the morning. All depends on my motivation for the day.
Igor Lysenko
I am more active in the morning, in the evening after several hours of work I am already tired.
Relja Denic
Morning for me, 10 am till 12 pm I think I can launch a rocket to the moon if all stars align :D
Previously, when I was young, the greatest productivity was at night, after 11. Now I try to do the main work from 9 to 13... Then it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate
Anna Carmichael
First few days of the morning and in the evening tend to be when I can focus the best!