Niko Dovidija

Morning pre-work rituals 🧘🏻


Ok, we all heard about CEO morning routines, waking up every day at 4 AM, run & shower then drink liquid vegetables & protein powder. But what about your morning routines? How do you prepare for work? I usually stare at my screen and read some tweets & emails to get into the mood.

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Sven Radavics
I do a few air squats and some stretching while waiting for the coffee. Then I spend 30 minutes checking & responding to urgent emails & messages while drinking my first mug of coffee and then head out for a 40 minute walk. Then get into work for a couple of hours before showering and preparing for the day.
Niko Dovidija
@sven_radavics good idea to get the blood pumping while waiting for coffee :) Nice!
Sven Radavics
@niko_dovidija I just re-read that again. It's not like I'm smashing out a bunch. Just a consistent 30 - but it actually wakes me up more than the coffee I think.
Andrea Todorova
For me, it's coffee, 20 minutes of TikTok scrolling, and then a second cup of coffee 😅 and I'm good to go :)
Carl Router
I just take breakfast and 2 caffee will checking it what is new on Youtube.
Sophia Watt
Rich Watson
i have a to-do list of the same 3-4 things I do every morning before diving into the tasks to do for our app
Meadow Simmons
I'm just looking out the window for 10-20 minutes. I live near the park, so I have an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful nature view every morning. Idk how it works, but it helps me to be focused for all day long.
Niko Dovidija
@meadow_simmons Nature is so underrated, nice ritual :) we live in a village so we enjoy our fair share of nature gazing too.
Niko Dovidija
Thanks everyone for joining the discussion! Was really cool finding out about the different routines everyone has :D