Here is what you have to do to convert your to đź’¸
* Each website page should contain one H1 tag and several H2 tags.
Apart from benefiting the search engine rankings, proper headings and subheadings give some visual breaks to your text.
Highlight these, or make them bold so you or your team knows how to code them before publishing the article.
H3s are pretty cool, too, but they won’t have a massive impact on your SEO.
* Metadata, metadata, metadata
Your title, keywords, and description tags should definitely describe the content on the page.
* Internal Linking
It’s essential to show the value of the pages to the search engines. An easy way to do this is to include relevant links to other pages on the website.
* Images
Alt tags play a vital role in image searches and help your images appear. You should describe the image and highlight your content with the tags.
* Videos
You have to publish videos on different social media channels. Then tag the content so users can easily see it. You can include the keywords in the title and provide a detailed summary of your related keywords.
* Distribution
If you have multiple audio files for the content, adjust it to different formats so it’s accessible for every user.
* Summaries
If you convert your content to an audio file and publish it on different platforms such as Spotify, iTunes etc., make sure to have detailed summaries and titles, including your primary keyword.
Anything I forgot?
Let me know in the comments!